Wednesday, April 13, 2011

On Monday we painted our eggs white.While we were waiting for the eggs to dry we had a piece of paper with
an Easter egg shape on it. So we had to design our eggs with Vivids.
The next day I was designing my white egg with my favourite colour. I did some different patterns also
I did some shapes.
After we designed our eggs we had to pick our colour to make a basket. I picked green my favourite colour.
After that we got some scissors and cut it out and then we glued it together.When it was finished I put my egg on it.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

When it Rains

When it rains at playtime it is so sad because we don’t get much time to play outside. At bedtime when the rains at night the splashes on my roof
sound like popcorn. It feels so cold and
I snuggle down in my blanket and I feel warm.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Lolly Cake

I have looked for information about lolly cake with Miss G. Please click on my link.

I have found a picture of lolly cake on the internet. Please Click on my picture to see were I got it from.